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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Scream, not by Edvard Munch

By Ariel Peeri
Founder, ArielStudio.com

As the page begins to unravel, I am settling in a comfortable state of mind eager to read what I agreed to click on the page before. There is still a sort of satisfying thrill from the motion of scrawling and pointing, and the sound of clicking and the sensation of surprise when you are being transferred to the next unknown link.

Suddenly, an advertising square appear at the lower corner of my right eye, and begins to show signs of life; its content begins crawling and moving and shaking up the page, while I try to keep my eyes from turning my head the other direction. I look for the handles of the text column and try grabbing one to narrow its width, and push out the live square ad, but it joins so stubbornly the ranks of pro-life movement and refuses to abort itself. It becomes harder not to try to catch even a glimpse of that moving square, which by now, is moving faster, reaching the speed of 30 frames per seconds, shaking my page violently and trembling my desk top, and I begin to stare at that intruding ad, trying to find who can be blamed for transferring me from a peace minded person to a short tempered warrior filled with unleashed anger.

All I can do is click away to another page, on another story on another web site. I promise myself that I will never become a member of a loyal customer base of that moving brand in the square, and I will boycott the product by uniting all readers of America. But for now all I could do is

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